Team Member

Vrinda Sharma

yoga trainer

Vrinda Sharma

Personal Info

Vrinda Sharma is a dynamic trainer with 14 years of in India and Bahrain. She had clients from all age groups. Be it a 7 year old kid or a 80 year old Senior Citizen, Vrinda has helped countless lead a healthy life.

Internationally Certified Yoga Trainer, Vrinda is a Meditation & Pranayam Trainer as well. With an Advanced Healing Certification, she is also a Pranic Healer. Apart from these, Vrinda Sharma also has certifications in Psychotherapy, Crystal Healing, Psychic Self Defense, Higher Soul Oneness and Arhatic Yoga.

Mrs. Vrinda Sharma is a mother of two but with her love for fitness and goal to ensure others have a healthy mind and body, she dedicates enough time to conducting yoga classes. Vrinda conducts ‘Young Minds Yoga’ to keep the little ones involved in staying active. To nourish the bond of mother and children, she also conducts ‘Mother-Child Nourish Sessions’. Mrs. Vrinda Sharma believes in inclusive good health and so conducts Senior Citizen Revitalise Program, Women's Health Recharger, Energy Cleansing Revitaliser and Emotional Baggage Dumping Programs.

Vrinda is also a speaker and therapist at many corporate offices and offers insights on posture management, corporate yoga including chair yoga. She also talks about decision making and alertness through Energy Management. Vrinda even helps people improve their confidence & communication with Chakral Balancing.

Specially :

Conclusion, self practice and self study

Certification :

Ayoga yoga teachers’ training course canada university

Experience :

5 years, New york yoga strengthen your practice,Yoga center

Yoga trainning skills

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85 %
Caring Your
Flex Body
80 %
Skills for life
85 %
Access to your
inner wisdom

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