

Find peace and solace with the age-old practices of yoga.

Our expert instructors will have one-on-one sessions so you get the most out of your time spent at Core Seven.

Core Seven, one of the top yoga centers in Nagpur offers classes that can cater to everybody regardless of their age or health concerns. Our team will help you build strength, flexibility and mindfulness on your mat. At Core Seven, we master in offering an array of yoga practices that are curated to meet your diverse needs. Some of our key yoga offerings are:

Different types of yoga method


Hatha Yoga

This is the foundation of all yoga styles. The main focus of Hatha Yoga is one asanas (physical postures) and pranayama (breathing techniques). With the help of Core Seven's expert instructors, you'll learn to align your mind, breath and body through a series of easy poses


Vinyasa Yoga

This is a dynamic flowing style of yoga. Vinyasa Yoga synchronizes movement with breath. Core Seven, Nagpur's best yoga center will help you link breath with movement through a series of poses so you can build strength, endurance and flexibility along with mindfulness.


Ashtanga Yoga

This is a rigorous but traditional form of yoga. Ashtanga Yoga follows a specific sequence of poses that are linked together by vinyasa (breath). Core Seven's expert team of instructors will guide you through a series of poses in a dynamic and structural manner. These will not just build heat but also detoxify your body. This form of yoga will promote mental focus physical strength and stamina.



The yogic breathing exercises are a crucial component of yoga practice. At Nagpur's premier Yoga center, you'll learn a range of breathing techniques carefully-curated to help you increase vitality, balance the nervous system and cultivate mindfulness. Doing this will improve lung function, reduce stress thereby enhancing your overall well-being.

Benefits of Yoga

  • Enhanced Flexibility
  • Consistent yoga practice promotes flexibility by extending and stretching muscles, which enhances mobility and range of motion.

  • Improved Strength
  • A lot of yoga postures call for holding positions that work different muscle groups, which increases muscle tone and strength all across the body.

  • Stress Reduction
  • Yoga combines breathing exercises and meditation techniques to help practitioners relax and become peaceful, which lowers stress levels and improves mental health.

  • Improved Posture
  • Yoga works to build the muscles that sustain good posture, which improves alignment and lowers the risk of neck and back problems.

  • Enhanced Balance and Coordination
  • Yoga postures frequently call for balance and coordination, which enhances proprioception and stability as a whole.

  • Increased Energy
  • Practicing yoga on a regular basis helps the body get more blood and oxygen, which gives practitioners a renewed sense of vitality.

  • Emotional Well-Being
  • Yoga encourages self-awareness and mindfulness, which helps people better control their emotions, feel less anxious, and develop inner tranquility and serenity.

Frequently asked questions

Your schedule, physical condition, and personal goals will all influence how frequently you practice. In general, aiming for three sessions a week or more can result in measurable improvements in strength, flexibility, and general well-being. To really benefit from your practice, choose a timetable that works for you and adhere to it. Always remember, consistency is the key.

Try Sun Salutations to help wake up the body and mind. Then, do standing poses like Warrior I and II to strengthen your body and gain stability. This will help you start the day off on a positive note.

Surya Namaskar, also known as sun salutations, are a series of yoga positions that provide a holistic practice by integrating breath, movement, and mindfulness to strengthen the body, increase flexibility, and foster appreciation and a sense of connection to the sun, which is a symbol of rebirth and life.